Lange House 50th Reunion - Why
Why is this being done?
We lived on the same dormitory floor for 4 years.
We were the best of friends.
We had fun together as a group.
Lange House shaped us into the men we are today.
Let us get together and share those memories. Remember,
never let the truth get in the way of a good story!
And finally, from page 275 of the 1973 ISU BOMB, this says it
all (and it is worth repeating):
Lange House of 1973
Lange House Comrades Of High Adventure! Lange House, home of
the ever jubilant and dashing Commandos, entertains the RCA with
its many activities. In addition to fielding the runner up football
team, Lange displays fine competition in basketball, handball, tennis,
softball, and with our always-in-contention volleyball teams.
Intramurals is only a fraction of this house of fire. Lange has seen
two consecutive Snow Sculpture finals, Blast participation, Residence
Hall Week participation, and various other "social" events. But what
about those Lange Commandos, Lange members vowed to uphold house spirit
and pride!
Don't cross them, for those who dare are liable to find themselves
sentenced to be sacked and dropped in the Maple-Willow-Larch Commons
by our famous Kangaroo Court. So beware of Lange and those eternally
fired up Commandos!
Who was Lange?
LANGE, Paulus (1891-1952) received an A.B. (1918) from Augustana College and
an M.A. (1920) from the University of Illinois. He joined the Iowa State
staff in 1920 and was made associate professor of English in 1932. He was
well known in Ames and Iowa for his many educational activities. He was
president of the local chapter of the American Association of University
Professors, president of the Ames Kiwanis Club, an officer in several educational
societies and served from 1939 to 1949 as chairman of the Committee on State-Wide
Testing of the Iowa Colleges Conference on English. He was also coordinator for
Iowa of the Eight Civil Service District's Joint college Civil Service Council
for several years.
If you would like to attend the reunion, please send an email to the