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Comment: Jim Van Syoc
Seubert_Walt * Walt Seubert * 1722 x 2000 * (1.64MB)

Shawver_Carl * Carl Shawver * 2992 x 2000 * (1.66MB)

Shields_Tom * Tom Shields (Ol' Tom) * 1482 x 1731 * (1.38MB)

Steele_Phil * Phil Steele (Phule) * 2992 x 2000 * (1.97MB)

Taylor_Mark * Mark Taylor * 2992 x 2000 * (1.94MB)

Click for the original image
VanSyoc_Jim.JPG - 1910 x 2000 - (1.67MB)
Download file (1.67MB)
8/11/15 2:54 PM
Weber_Creighton * Creighton Weber (Killer) * 2992 x 2000 * (2.04MB)

Zingula_Curt * Curt Zingula (Zingy) * 2992 x 2000 * (1.95MB)

Album last updated on 9/5/23 8:58 AM
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