First, some interesting facts about Resolute Bay: If you were to buy a
breakfast, lunch or supper here (and fortunately we didn't have to pay),
it would cost you:
Breakfast |
$27.00 |
Lunch |
$45.00 |
Supper |
$62.00 |
Electricity is charged by the kilowatt. The following are comparative
California |
3 cents / kilowatt |
Edmonton |
4 cents / kilowatt |
Resolute Bay |
37 cents / kilowatt |
And now for the log. We all got
suited up
yesterday at
Bezal's place.
We were supplied with arctic down underwear (long johns), arctic pants,
arctic coat (parka), arctic mittens, face mask, and boots (if needed - I had
my own). The equipment is extraordinary. I will not be worried about
getting cold. Speaking of which, it was 27 degrees below zero Fahrenheit
yesterday and it is now 30 degrees below zero Fahrenheit.
We had a slide show after a superb dinner. I left in the middle of the show
because I wanted to go
and take pictures of the
The sun set at 10:00 PM and rose at 2:00 AM. By the end of next week,
Resolute will be bathed in constant sunlight. The sunset was spectacular!
It was a gorgeous red ball setting over a field of snow.
I had no trouble
I awoke at 6:30 AM and took my last shower for 5 days. Water will be at a
minimum farther up north. Breakfast was delicious. If all goes according to
schedule, Nigel will be throwing a mass at 8:30 AM. We will then attempt to
fly to Lake Hazen if the satellite photographs indicate good weather. It is
beautiful here in
right now. But we don't know what it is like further north.
We played
before dinner last night. There were teams. I played with one of the
gentleman from the National Geographic. Both of those guys are great.
Well, the weather report came in. The weather was bad at Eureka. We were
supposed to refuel there so we must delay our departure by possibly
one day.
Instead, we drove around Resolute looking at old villages made from
whale bones dug into the ground.
I shot roll #1 today. It contains
some shots from Edmonton's Polar Park and the rest are from Resolute Bay. I
lost a roll of film today. It may be around here somewhere but I believe it
is lost. I will go outside and look around.
Also, some of the pictures were taken at
where I stayed
in Resolute.
The latest weather report came in. There is 1/2 mile visibility up north.
We will be staying in Resolute for the night.
Another comment about roll #2.
There are some pictures taken of the Resolute village as seen from the local
water storage facility.
I ran up the
and tried to get both the
water tanks and the village
in the same scene.
I took some shots of the
that we got to eat. All of the food is delicious. Good news - my film has
been found.
Speaking of film, roll #1 contains
some shots while I was in France and also my arrival in Edmonton.
General comments about the people traveling in this group:

- Charles (Chuck) Bergman
- He is a writer for the National Geographic. He is currently working on
an article about wolves in Eureka. That is the main reason he is traveling
with us - just to hitch a ride.

- Robert (Bob) Burns
- Bob is a retired Winn Dixie (supermarket) executive. He has a very
funny sense of humor and is a joy to travel with. He was the one who found
my film. He loves to be comical. For example: We were sitting at the dinner
table in Edmonton and when the waiter came over and asked him if he wanted
another drink, he said, "Sure. They only cost a dollar, so I
can have one more because I only have two dollars." He said this in a
typical Florida southern drawl. The waiter didn't know how to take him.
Another example: We can only bring one carry-on aboard the airplane. He told
Pat, "I only have six carry-ons, I don't see any problem with
my bringing a seventh." Pat believed him.

- Elsieanna Graff
- She is an old woman who has traveled around almost everywhere. It
will be interesting to see how she does at the pole.

- Robert (Bob) Kaller
- Bob is interesting. He left the dinner the night it took 3 hours to
get served. He didn't want to wait. He also bought a new camera to take
to the pole. He didn't know how to work it. He should have experimented
with it before the trip.

- Patricia (Pat) and Thomas (Tom) Largen
- Tom is a general surgeon from Florida. He had someone build him a
sheepskin bag for his camera to keep it warm. They are both fun people.
It was so funny watching Pat trying to get into the touring truck. She was
all dressed for the arctic and had a hell of a time getting up into the seat.

- Nigel Larn
- Like I said earlier, Nigel is a Roman Catholic priest from London. There
was a mass this morning. It was only him and I. He had hosts and some
Franciscan wine. After the mass (which was very short), he apologized for
not giving a sermon. I laughed and said that was OK. He is my roommate on
this trip. I like him. He loves to laugh and really appreciates the beauty
that is outside. It was an interesting mass with a priest in arctic pants.

- Frances Rogers
- Frances is also a retired woman with a lot of spunk. She is really
looking forward to the Pole.

- William (Bill) Savy
- Bill is from Geneva, Switzerland. He is a stubborn man. When we were
being outfitted for the Arctic, he indicated that he did not want any
equipment - he had his own. Ridiculous! The equipment we were provided with
had no charge and was absolutely fabulous. Why would he turn it down? It
would be like committing suicide going to the Pole without it.

- Jagannathan (Van) Srinivasaraghavan
- Van is from India currently living in Chicago. He is a psychiatrist.
Maybe he thinks we're all crazy going on a trip to the Pole but then that
makes him crazy because he is going too, so I guess we can't be crazy if a
crazy man says we are. He was on a cruise to the South Pole 3 months ago.
He has been to every continent and loves to travel. He brought with him a
wonderful Nikon camera outfit with several lenses. I hope to trade some
pictures with him.

- Pat Sutherland
- She is our leader. A very small woman with a lot of enthusiasm. She
is very interesting with a lot of archaeological knowledge.

- Earl Wilkinson
- Earl is not listed in the original cast of players. He is from Sydney,
Australia and has a great sense of humor. On his Arctic parka, he has stuck
a sticker that reads "PERISHABLE - DO NOT FREEZE". I hope the
picture I took of him turns out OK.

- Art Wolfe
- Art is the photographer from the National Geographic. He is working
with Chuck Bergman on the wolf story. He is a funny guy with a great sense
of humor. I will try to get him to take my picture.
And now, some general comments about the trip. My face is the only thing
that is getting cold. I have not yet tried my balaclava. I have some wind
burn on my cheeks. But what can you expect from a wind chill temperature of
50 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. There is a picture of my
boot print
in the snow. The significance of the picture is to see how far I sunk while
I stood on a snow drift. The snow is so cold, it is solid yet it is not icy.