Week of October 12, 2009 xxxxxx
Aftermath of Antol's Visit
All right, you had to be there...but one of alum Bob Antol's
messages to undergraduates is that there is life after math. Antol
delighted his audience of students and faculty members by integrating a
series of QUICK! problems to solve into the story of his fascinating
life as an astronomer and world traveler and work at IBM, offering
career advice and advocating for "beyond profession" activity.
Paper accepted into journal
Working with four other scholars, Anastasios
Matzavinos and his student, Sijia Liu authored an article that has been
accepted for publication in the Journal of Theoretical Biology.
K. Preedy, P.G. Schofield, Sijia Liu, A. Matzavinos, M. Chaplain, S.F.
Hubbard, 2009, Modeling contact spread of infection in host-parasitoid
systems: vertical transmission of pathogens can cause chaos.

Math in the work place: Alumna visit
Alum Christie (Shuster) Hochstein (MS, 2004), who is now a technology security designer with the National Security Agency, will present The value of critical thinking and structured analysis in the work place on Thursday, October 15 at 4:10 p.m. in 74 Carver.
While at ISU, Hochstein was a member of the Cybercorps program,
graduating with a degree in mathematics and information
assurance. She works in the fields of information assurance and
computer systems security.
Graduate and undergraduate mathematics majors and faculty members
are invited to greet Hochstein prior to the presentation in the Sprague
Room (400 Carver).
Funding opportunities
Internal and external grant opportunities will be listed here throughout the year. A link to this page is located on the departmental home page: Funding Opportunities.
Deadlines this week
Remember to check the departmental calendar for deadlines. e
NSF-AWM deadline extended
NSF-AWM Travel Grant Applications have been extended to October 15.
The Association for Women in Mathematics travel program supports three
types of travel grants for women:
1. Travel Grants in mathematics, for mathematicians attending mathematics conferences.
2. Travel Grants for mathematicians attending a mathematics education research conference.
3. Travel Grants for mathematics education researchers attending a mathematics conference.
For complete eligibility and application details please visit http://www.awm-math.org/travelgrants.html. All applications are now submitted via an online system.
The Travel Grant Program is sponsored by the Division of Mathematical
Sciences (DMS) and the Division of Research of the National Science
Colloquia and Seminars this week
Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms
Monday, October 12 at 2:10 p.m. in Carver 124. Facilitator: Ling Long
Combinatorics & Number Theory Seminar
Monday, October 12 at 4:10 p.m. in Carver 232. Andrew Wells: Work on the subloop lattice of the Moufang loop of Zorn vector matrices over the integers modulo 4.
Computational & Applied Math
Monday, October 12 at 4:10 p.m. in Carver 202.
Matrix Group Seminar
Tuesday, October 13 at 10:00 a.m. in 204 Carver Hall
Kenneth Driessel on Applications of the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula
Discrete Mathematics Seminar - attend Colloquium with Tracy Hall
Tuesday, October 13 at 2:10 p.m. in 174 Carver.
Mathematics Colloquia
Tuesday, October 13 at 4:10 p.m. in 290 Carver. Tracy Hall. (Brigham Young University) What is Quantum computation? Host: Leslie Hogben
Graduate Student Seminar Series
Wednesday, October 14 at 4:10 p.m. in 204 Carver. Cliff Bergman on TeX.
Matrix Group Seminar
Thursday, October 15 at 1:10 p.m. in 190 Carver Hall
Thursday, October 15 at 10:00 a.m. in 204 Carver Hall
Kenneth Driessel onBasic Representation Theory
Algebraic Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, October 16 at 3:10 p.m. in 290 Carver
Graduate student birthdays this week:
10/16 - Nicole Kingsley, Tong Zhao
Transitions features announcements regarding life transitions,
i.e., family, job, etc. of those associated with the Department may be
published at the request of the individual. Send submissions to tuttle@iastate.edu